October 2012

Rsync on Windows

Rsync is probably one of the most useful tools for moving / synchronising files at reasonable bandwidth speed.

One particularly useful trick to reduce down time for daemons when moving their storage is to initially copy their file store while the daemon is running, take the daemon down, then sync the file store before bringing the daemon up. The down time of the daemon is vastly reduced as you only need to copy the changed data.

Thanks to Cygwin this tool can be enjoyed on Windows as well as Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, MacOSX etc the only trick is how do you access windows drives in a Unix like way. Read More...

Internationalising PHP Web Control Panels

Cocoa on OS X is Unicode based. This makes working with non-ASCII character sets fairly easy … provided you can encode them in a unicode format. PHP has some facilities for writing UTF-8 character set based files. Read More...

Open - Apple's little secret

OS X’s open command is the secret sauce for gluing web control panels to OS X applications. Read More...

Chasing Staff with Trixbox

A popular request by Trixbox users is for a hunt group that calls extensions and external lines.

Trixbox provides a confirm option which prevents voice mail and answering machines from stopping the hunt process - unfortunately it only works with the ringall strategy not a hunt strategy.

This blog post describes how to implement a custom dial rule that provides a hunt group with confirm. Read More...

Replacing Cocoa applications with a new instance

Sometimes you need to start a Cocoa application and have it replace a previously running instance of itself. In the case of the application that we are writing it is invoked by the open command line command and we then want it to replace a previously running version of the program. If the application is activated from the GUI we want the default behaviour going to the open application to be preserved. Read More...