
Adding an NFS datastore to VMWare ESXi

VMWare ESXi supports NFS storage. All the VMWare documents talk about managing it from vSphere. Which is a pity if you don't happen to be using vSphere. Fortunately adding your NFS datastore is relatively simple, apart from the lack of documentation. Read More...

Resizing Root on LVM

One of the advantages of using virtual machines is that you can easily create templates which you reproduce as needed. Of course the file systems are rarely the size you need them to be.

Fortunately, if you have either XFS or ext4 installed on LVM, expanding the root file system is fairly easy. Read More...

P2V a Linux box into VMWare

This really should be obvious and easy … after all everyone does it … but my Google Fu kept leading me to solutions that relied on having access to old versions of VMWare Converter.

But it really is easy by combining:
  • netcat; and,
  • qemu
P2V is simple.

The IO Blender

At the VMUG Regional User Conference (#MVMUG Feb 7, 2013), Stephen Foskett (@sfosckett, http://blog.fosketts.net) presented on the IO Blender. The essential idea was that there was a great loss of information that was exploited by the storage arrays because the data was hidden behind the hypervisor. This reminded me about some information theory and compression. Read More...